Articles 12-35 of the Indian Constitution deal with Fundamental Rights. These human rights are conferred upon the citizens of India and the Constitution tells that these rights are inviolable. Right to Life, Right to Dignity, Right to Education, etc. all come under one of the six main fundamental rights.
Fundamental Rights – Indian Polity
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Fundamental rights are a very important topic in the polity section of the UPSC exam. It is a basic static portion of the syllabus but it is highly dynamic in the sense that it is featured in the daily news in some form or the other. Hence, it is highly important for the IAS exam . In this article, you can read all about this topic from the IAS exam perspective and download the fundamental rights UPSC notes from the link above. You will also understand the differences between fundamental rights and duties.
Fundamental Rights Latest News
In October 2023, a five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court unanimously declined to recognise same-sex marriages. The Bench also declined to permit ‘civil unions’ for same-sex couples. All the judges of the Bench, although in favour of civil unions, ruled that there is no fundamental right to marry under the Indian Constitution.
In this article, you can read all about the 6 fundamental rights of India:
The significance and list of fundamental rights of India for the UPSC exam are also given in the article.
To complement your preparation for the upcoming exam, check the following links:
Fundamental rights are the basic human rights enshrined in the Constitution of India which are guaranteed to all citizens. They are applied without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, etc. Significantly, fundamental rights are enforceable by the courts , subject to certain conditions.
Why are they called Fundamental Rights?
These rights are called fundamental rights because of two reasons:
There are six fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution. They are mentioned below along with the constitutional articles related to them:
There was one more fundamental right in the Indian Constitution, i.e., the right to property.
However, this right was removed from the list of fundamental rights by the 44th Constitutional Amendment .
This was because this right proved to be a hindrance towards attaining the goal of socialism and redistributing wealth (property) equitably among the people.
Is right to property a constitutional right or legal right?
Note: The right to property is now a legal right and not a fundamental right.
In this section, we list the fundamental rights of India and briefly describe each of them.
1. Right to Equality (Articles 14 – 18)
The right to equality is one of the important fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution that guarantees equal rights for everyone, irrespective of religion, gender, caste, race or place of birth. It ensures equal employment opportunities in the government and insures against discrimination by the State in matters of employment on the basis of caste, religion, etc. This right also includes the abolition of titles as well as untouchability.
Aspirants can read more about the Right to Equality in the linked article.
2. Right to Freedom (Articles 19 – 22)
Freedom is one of the most important ideals cherished by any democratic society. The Indian Constitution guarantees freedom to citizens. The freedom right includes many rights such as:
Read more on the Right to Freedom in the linked article.
Some of these rights are subject to certain conditions of state security, public morality and decency and friendly relations with foreign countries. This means that the State has the right to impose reasonable restrictions on them.
Aspirants can find the details on Right to Life (Article 21) , in the linked article.
3. Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 – 24)
This right implies the prohibition of traffic in human beings, begar , and other forms of forced labour. It also implies the prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc. The Constitution prohibits the employment of children under 14 years in hazardous conditions.
Read more on the Right against Exploitation in the linked article.
4. Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25 – 28)
This indicates the secular nature of Indian polity. There is equal respect given to all religions. There is freedom of conscience, profession, practice and propagation of religion. The State has no official religion. Every person has the right to freely practice his or her faith, and establish and maintain religious and charitable institutions.
Read more on the Right to Freedom of Religion in the linked article.
5. Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29 – 30)
These rights protect the rights of religious, cultural and linguistic minorities, by facilitating them to preserve their heritage and culture. Educational rights are for ensuring education for everyone without any discrimination.
Read more on Cultural and Educational Rights in the linked article.
6. Right to Constitutional Remedies (32 – 35)
The Constitution guarantees remedies if citizens’ fundamental rights are violated. The government cannot infringe upon or curb anyone’s rights. When these rights are violated, the aggrieved party can approach the courts. Citizens can even go directly to the Supreme Court which can issue writs for enforcing fundamental rights.
All civil services exam aspirants must go through the features of the Fundamental Rights discussed further below in this article.
Also, in the news:
The following is the list of fundamental rights in the Indian constitution that are available only to citizens (and not to foreigners):
Fundamental rights are very important because they are like the backbone of the country. They are essential for safeguarding the people’s interests.
According to Article 13, all laws that are violative of fundamental rights shall be void. Here, there is an express provision for judicial review . The SC and the High Courts can declare any law unconstitutional on the grounds that it is violative of fundamental rights. Article 13 talks about not just laws, but also ordinances, orders, regulations, notifications, etc.
Aspirants can learn more about 25 important SC judgements for UPSC in the linked article.
This is a doctrine that protects the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Aspirants can also get details about the IAS Topper and take inspiration from their preparation strategy and excel in the upcoming UPSC CSE.
Fundamental Rights are the rights available to the people of this country, while Fundamental Duties are the obligations on the part of the citizens. Fundamental Duties were added to the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act 1976 by the Indira Gandhi Government.
Fundamental rights and duties are two important concepts of the Indian Constitution. While fundamental rights are the entitlements that individuals possess by virtue of being citizens of a particular country, fundamental duties are the responsibilities that citizens have towards their country and fellow citizens. Here are some key differences between the two:
It is very important to understand the differences between fundamental rights and duties for the IAS exam.
Knowing how many fundamental rights are there in the Indian Constitution is a must for an IAS aspirant. The list of fundamental rights given above will be helpful for the candidates in their UPSC preparation. Also, aspirants should know the difference between human rights and fundamental rights. The basic difference between human rights and fundamental rights is the scope of acceptance. While fundamental rights have scope within a country, human rights are accepted worldwide.
Fundamental Rights is a GS 2 topic. To practise UPSC Mains GS 2 Answer Writing, check the linked article now!
This constitutes an integral part of the UPSC Syllabus for the Polity section and candidates must carefully analyse the same as questions based on the same can be asked in the prelims as well as the mains examination.
Kickstart your UPSC 2024 preparation today!
Aspirants can read other Polity articles similar to fundamental rights, linked in the table below:
There were 7 fundamental rights in the Constitution. Currently, there are only six as the ‘Right to Property’ was removed as a fundamental right. It is now only a legal right. The list of fundamental rights are:
Right to equality
Right to freedom
Right against exploitation
Right to freedom of religion
Cultural and educational rights
Right to constitutional remedies
There are 11 fundamental duties. They are described in the article linked below: For more details on Fundamental Duties , visit the linked article.
The Right to Constitutional Remedies is considered to be the most important fundamental right because it ensures the protection of our fundamental rights.
The first case where traces of the origin of this doctrine can be found is Keshava Madhavan Menon v State of Bombay. In this case, the appellant had a case against himself under the Indian Press (Emergency Powers) Act, 1931 with regards to a pamphlet published in 1949.